Press Conference of Argentine Minister of Science and Technology

2013年6月4日下午正在访华期间的阿根廷科学、技术和生产创新部长利诺•巴拉尼奥先生在阿根廷 驻华使馆举行记者招待会。巴拉利奥列举了中国与阿根廷在科技创新领域的多个合作项目,并认为 中阿之间的经济互补体现在多个领域,科技合作的前景也非常广阔。

On 4th of June 2013 Argentine Minister of Science, technology and Productive Technology, Mr. Jose Lino Salvador Baranao has held a press conference at the Embassy of Argentine in Beijing to inform the press about the goals of his current visit to China.

After an introduction by Ambassador Gustavo Martino, Mr. Baranao made the following points in his speech:

Argentine has a huge production capacity in terms of agricultural products. Although Argentine has a population of only 42 million, it is capable to produce food to feed more than 400 million people;
There are a number of S&T cooperation projects already in place between Argentinean and Chinese companies, one of the areas having a model value is software technology and food processing;
Argentine is rich in Lithium, which is an element needed to produce high capacity batteries, so Argentine is very keen to cooperate with Chinese R&D facilities to further enhance the technology of cutting edge accumulators;
Argentine is to study the Chinese technologies of fast speed train as well as the subway. A delegation has already been sent to China to this end;
Argentine is also interested in cooperation concerning freight and logistics technologies;
R&D centres of Argentine are very active in international cooperation, as an example they already have joint research project with Italy in the field of industrial design and with France in supercomputing. The next joint project might be with China in nanotechnology;
S&T is well advanced in Argentine in genetics, medicine and food processing, just to mention a few.