2nd EU-China Children Art Exhibition Held In Beijing
7月9日由《世界中国》杂志社与文化部中国儿童文化艺术促进会承办、欧盟驻华代表团主办的“第 二届欧盟—中国少儿美术作品展竞赛”,今日在“中国儿童中心”举行了隆重的开幕式。
时值“2012欧盟中国文化对话年”,该项活动的开展旨在推进中国与欧洲在文化、教育等系列活动中 青少年更广泛的交流与合作。
在开幕式剪彩仪式上,欧盟委员会副主席凯瑟琳•阿什顿表示,欧洲和中国是亲密伙伴,对青少年 的生活都非常重要。她希望孩子们喜欢欧洲,长大后到欧洲看一看,成为欧中之间的未来和希望。
据大赛组委会负责人纳吉•麟女士介绍,在“中国儿童中心”举行的画展从即日起将持续到7月20日, 并将从参展画作中选出60幅最优秀的作品到布鲁塞尔欧盟总部大楼举办首届中国少儿画展,展出时 间为10天。 其余作品还将在10月假期中在北京朝阳公园举办的国际文化旅游节中展出7天。
开幕式上凯瑟琳•阿什顿女士同欧盟驻华代表团艾德和大使、以及保加利亚、塞浦路斯,黑山大使, 联合国驻进首席代表以及匈牙利副馆长,等多国驻华使节一同参观了孩子们的画作,分享童趣创造 的色彩世界,并与孩子们合影留念。
A grand opening ceremony for the 2nd “EU-China Children Art Exhibition”, jointly undertaken by “The World and China” Magazine and China Association for Promoting Children’s Culture and Art under the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, sponsored by EU delegation to China, was held in “Chinese Children Center” Beijing on July 9, 2012. Catherine Ashton, vice president of European Commission, came all the way from Europe to join in the children’s colorful world, carry the care bear with childlike innocence, and exchange greeting with hundreds of children at the opening ceremony from home and abroad;
“Hello”, “Where are you from?”
“I am from Europe!” Ashton expressed her pleasure to meet children accompanied by greeting and smile.
“Do you like school?”
“What do you like the most to do at school?”
Ashton listened to the children’s scrambling and different answers.
“You like a lot of things. I think you are lucky to meet your teachers, and owe them thanks!”
The art exhibition lasted from July 9 to July 20, among which, the best 60 paintings were selected out to participate in the China Children Art Exhibition held in EU headquarter building in Brussels for 10 days. The rest of the art works were shown for one week at the International Cultural Tourism Festival held in Beijing Chaoyang Garden in the October golden week holiday. At the opening ceremony, together with Markus Ederer, the EU Delegation Ambassador in China, Bulgarian Ambassador, Cyprus Ambassador, Montenegro Ambassador, Chief Representative of UN Children’s Foundation in Beijing, Hungarian Deputy Ambassador, etc., also joined the event.
Catherine Ashton watched the performance of children, visited children’s paintings, shared the “Europe in my Heart” vision and took group photos with children. In the garden of Chinese Children Center, Ashton said that Europe and China, as close companions, were very important to the teenagers’ lives. She hoped that these children would love Europe, visit Europe in the future, and become the future hope of Europe and China.