“Europe in My Heart” in Brussels

2011第一届“我心目中的欧洲”中国儿童绘画比赛成功在京举办。2012第二届“我心目中的欧洲”绘 画比赛由欧盟驻华代表团与《世界中国》杂志联合举办。与去年不同的是,今年的画展在中国的北 京举行,并在布鲁塞尔欧盟委员会总部大楼举行了巡回展览。

欧盟外事与安全策略高级代表、欧盟委员会副主席凯瑟琳·阿什顿7月专程到北京启动了画展;“布 鲁塞尔展”于9月25日开幕,10月10日闭幕。
欧盟委员会成员、欧盟委员会文化、教育与青年部部长维利西欧,中国驻欧盟代表团团长吴海龙及 《世界中国》杂志社社长纳吉·麟出席了闭幕式并分别代表发言。

今年恰逢中国欧洲文化对话年,中国与欧洲的对话已经拉开帷幕,而明年的比赛将以人与人之间的 对话展开,我们也将邀请欧洲儿童以“我心目中的中国”共同参赛。

Based on the success of the 1st “Europe in my Heart” drawing competition organized for Chinese children in 2011 in Beijing, the 2nd “Europe in my Heart” drawing competition has been subsequently organized in 2012 by the EU Delegation in China and “The World and China” Magazine.

This year a new venue has also been added. Besides Beijing, as a traditional venue, the drawings have also been displayed at the headquarters of the European Commission of the EU as well, in the building Berlaymont situated just in the heart of the EU district of Brussels.

The Beijing exhibition was inaugurated by Lady Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission earlier in July. The Brussels exhibition ran from September 25 till October 10 2012.

Ms. Androulla Vassiliou, Member of the European Commission in charge of Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, Mr. Wu Hailong, Head of the Mission of China to the EU and Ms. Lin Nagy, founder of the Magazine “The World and China” and co-organizer of the exhibition addressed the audience at its closing ceremony.

This time the exhibition was organized under the umbrella of the Year of EU-China Intercultural Dialogue. The continuation of the exhibition is already foreseen for the next year under the framework of the people to people dialogue, as this so called 3rd pillar of the EU-China dialogue has been established recently.

According to the plans, besides the continuation of “Europe in my Heart” children drawing competition, EU children will also be invited next year to submit their drawings under the theme: “My Dream of China”.