“Life is beautiful”

10月10日由中国宋庆龄基金会主办,基金会事业发展中心等单位承办的“中国少年儿童视听安全系 列公益科普活动”在京启动。


中国宋庆龄基金会党组成员、副主席井顿泉,国家新闻出版广电总局,教育部,工信部,国家工商 总局等有关部委领导出席此次大会并做演讲。


其目的是通过科学的分类标准与方法促使各类视听内容与产品走上规范化的道路, 在条件具备的情况下,将来建立救助基金, 救助因模仿影视内容而致伤致残的儿童及家庭,同时展开系列国际交流活动, 组织海内外专家研讨研究“中国少年儿童视听安全”问题与对策等。本次科普活动同时启动了全国32 个省级“宣传大使”的选拔, 通过“宣传大使”的实际活动, 在全国展开科普演讲。

嘉宾的发言人中,中国教育家蔡先生给大家讲述了意大利奥斯卡获奖电影“美丽人生“的故事: 在法西斯战争中,主人公父亲犹太人和5岁的儿子被关进了集中营,父亲把黑暗邪恶的战争给5岁的 儿子游戏化,千方百计减少孩子的现实恐惧感, 减少孩子的心灵创伤。而如今我们的动漫电影电视的屏幕却恰恰相反,暴力几乎无处不在, 因此孩子模仿暴力所造成的恶果时有发生。

宋庆龄基金会副主席智刚宣读科普倡议书“………..媒体要加强舆论监督,及时曝光公众反映强烈的 不良视听节目,共同维护健康文明的视听环境, 全社会都要行动起来,保护少年儿童,保护祖国的未来。“


The “Public-Welfare Activity for the Audiovisual Safety of Chinese Children” raised curtain in Beijing on October 10, 2013. This activity was sponsored by China Song Ching Ling Foundation, and co-sponsored by the Career Development Center of Song Ching Ling Foundation.
Chen Yuexian, Director of the Career Development Center of China Song Ching Ling Foundation, hosted the conference.
Jing Dunquan, Member of Party Leadership Group and Deputy Chairman of China Song Ching Ling Foundation, and officials from State General Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and State Administration of Industry and Commerce, attended the conference and made speeches.
This activity sponsored by China Song Ching Ling Foundation is the only public-welfare activity in China that shows concern for children’s mental health. It aims to regularize audiovisual products with scientific classification standards and methods. When conditions grow mature, an assistance fund will be established in the future to assist children and their families who were injured or disabled by imitating contents in films or TV programs. Meanwhile, international exchange activities will also be held to invite experts at home and abroad to discuss the topic of “audiovisual safety for Chinese children” and work out solutions. During this public-welfare activity, a campaign will be held to elect “Publicity Ambassadors” in 32 provinces in China and speeches on science topics will be held nationwide.
Mr. Cai, a guest speaker and a Chinese educator, told the storyline of an Oscar-winning Italian movie, “Life is Beautiful”, to the audiences: In World War Two, a Jewish father and his 5-year-old son were sent to a Nazi concentration camp. To eliminate his son’s fear and reduce his psychological trauma as much as possible, the father told his son that they’re not experiencing a brutal war, but playing a game. However, violence is everywhere in many cartoons, movies and TV programs nowadays. Many children were injured and even dead by imitating the violent behaviors in movies.
Outstanding children’s audiovisual works producers make speech on the ceremony.
Zhi Gang, Deputy Chairman of Song Ching Ling Foundation, read a written proposal on the conference, “The media should strengthen supervision by the general public, disclose unhealthy audiovisual programs to the general public on time, and maintain a healthy, civilized audiovisual environment by cooperating with each other. The community should take actions to protect our children, who are the future of China.”
Pupils from schools for migrant workers’ children in Beijing attended the opening ceremony.