General Election of Hangzhou Overseas Exchange Association

吸收了近100非杭州籍理事. 目前杭海交会共有海外理事, 顾问, 名誉会长470余人.


本届会长由杭州市副市长谢双成担任(图1), 常务副会长市侨办主任林国蛟(图2), 其余副会长是
陈建方(图3), 龚勤芳(图4), 刘爱勤(图5), 鲍卫东(6)。


大会期间, 理事们参观杭州佛学院
参观萧山区临江新城的汽车制造企业:东风裕隆是一家与台湾联合生产的企业, 年产汽车为12万辆, 2015将翻倍, 2020年将达到50万辆。

From October 23 to October 24, 2013, at the general election held in the “Great Hall of the People in Hangzhou”, 14 attendees were awarded “Overseas Chinese with Loving Heart”.
The association has absorbed nearly 100 new directors from other cities. So far, Hangzhou Overseas Exchange Association has 470 overseas directors, advisors and honorary chairmen. Lin Nagy, President of the magazine, was elected director of the association.
Xie Shuangcheng, Deputy Mayor of Hangzhou, was elected President (Pic. 1). Lin Guojiao (Pic 2.), Director of Hangzhou Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, was elected Executive Vice President. Other Vice Presidents include Chen Jianfang (Pic. 3), Gong Qingfang (Pic. 4), Liu Aiqing (Pic. 5) and Bao Weidong (Pic. 6).
Hangzhou Overseas Exchange Association was founded in 2001. A general election of new directors is held once in every 5 years.

On the pictures:

Directors visit Hangzhou Buddhist College and Linyun Temple during the 2 day’s conference.
Master Guangquan, Abbot of Lingyin Temple, introduces Buddhist arts to the guests.
The entrepreneurship center created by Hangzhou Economic Development Zone for returned overseas students.
Directors visit automobile factories in Lin Jiang Xin Cheng, Xiaoshan District: Dongfeng Yulon is an automobile enterprise of joint production with Taiwan. The factory produces 120,000 automobiles every year. This figure will double by 2015 and will reach 500,000 in 2020.
Economic Development Zone in Eastern Hangzhou.