Tour of China 2013
2013年度的欧洲科技中国行系列活动即将拉开帷幕,在十月和十一月两个月中,中国行的队伍将 在九个主要的中国城市进行一系列关于欧洲研究创新的巡回展示,将吸引超过2500位中国研究者 、科学家创新领域相关学者听众。
在2012年度中国行活动已取得成功的基础之上,今年的活动将重点关注一系列有价值的合作机会 ,他们主要来自欧盟框架计划–地平线, 2020欧盟成员国及其协同国在框架计划下的单独的国家方案。
The Tour of China 2013 kick-off event was held at the Delegation of the European Union in Beijing on October 17, 2013.
Throughout October and November, the Tour of China 2013 edition will showcase Europe’s wide array of research and innovation opportunities in nine major Chinese cities expecting to reach an audience of more than 2500 Chinese researchers, scientists and innovation stakeholders.
Building on the success of the 2012 edition of the Tour, this year’s programme will highlight the collaboration opportunities offered by the European Union’s new Framework Programme Horizon 2020 and the individual National Schemes of the EU Member States and Countries associated to the EU Framework Programme.