Danish Danfoss in Anshan

根据此前丹佛斯与鞍山市政府、千峰供热公司以及鞍钢签订的框架性协议,该供热节能改造项目将 利用鞍钢在生产过程中产生的余热,为鞍山市民供热,并提供生活热水。

这一传输管网将连接原有的供热锅炉,将其作为调峰锅炉房,使供热公司能够根据实际需求,实现 灵活的调峰切换,从而降低总能耗。项目建成后,将帮助鞍山市每年减排24万吨二氧化碳,使鞍山 成为在区域供暖领域全球领先的城市,能效水平甚至将高于今天的哥本哈根。

Sept 13, Anshan — Top leaders of the Anshan city government, Qianfeng District Heating Company, AnGang Steel Company, and Danfoss executives celebrated the ground-breaking for a new transmission line which will enable the city of Anshan to deliver a significant environmental improvement for its residents.
The ground-breaking marked a long-awaited development on a world-class heating renovation project that has caught the attention of city planners all over the world.
Once completed, the solution from Danfoss will provide a more stable heat supply, noticeably cleaner air and an improved indoor climate for more than 1.8 million residents living in Anshan. The new district heating system will use non-utilized waste heat from a the local An Gang Steel plant as primary heating source and will enable Anshan to cut energy consumption and reduce its CO2 emissions by up to 240.000 tons annually. The transmission line will connect existing heat-only-boilers enabling the heating company to shift heat loads between the different boilers.
The ground-breaking was marked by a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the An Gang Steel Company and was attended by leaders from the Anshan city government, Qianfeng District Heating Company, An Gang Steel Company as well as executives from Danfoss.
Danish Ambassador Friis Arne Petersen (left), Anshan Mayor Wu Zhongqiong (middle) and Danfoss Chairman of the Board, Jorgen M. Clausen (right) broke ground for the project.