Sri Lankan Night
斯里兰卡,全称斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国,旧称锡兰,是个热带岛国,形如印度半岛的一滴眼 泪,镶嵌在广阔的印度洋海面上。
“斯里兰卡”在僧伽罗语中意为“乐土”或“光明富庶的土地”,有“宝石王国”、“印度洋上的明珠”的美称 ,被马可波罗认为是最美丽的岛屿,因为它有美丽绝伦的海滨,神秘莫测的古城,丰富的自然遗产 ,以及独特迷人的历史与文化。
斯里兰卡的经济以农业为主,而该国最重要的出口产品是锡兰红茶。该国亦为世界三大产茶国之一 ,因此国内经济深受产茶情况的影响。
斯里兰卡经济发展部部长苏桑德、资深内阁部长法兹、工商部常秘阿努拉·斯里瓦尔德纳,斯驻华大 使乌扬高达等斯高级官员、中斯两国相关企业以及媒体代表等五百余人参加了活动开幕式。
With the aim to introduce Sri Lanka as a travel destination to the wider Chinese audience, an extraordinarily colourful dinner has been organized on the 29th of August 2013 in the China World Hotel, Beijing.
The Night was organized by the Government of Sri Lanka and the Embassy of Sri Lanka and was implemented by the Sri lanka Tourism Office.
Chief participants of the evening was senior minister for Ministry of Municipal Affairs of Sri Lanka, the Deputy Minister of Economy of Sri Lanka, ambassador of Sri lanka and the head of the Beijing Municipal Tourism Office.
In his speech H.E. Mr. Ranjith Uyangoda, Ambassador of Sri Lanka has emphasized that
the relations between Sri Lanka and China has never been so intense as today.
The bilateral trade volume has significantly increased over the last few years thanks to the stable political relations and the concluded agreements.
The President of Sri Lanka visited China just 3 month ago giving a further impetus to the relations.
Sri Lanka is totally safe, as safe as China.
Sri Lanka has set a target to host 2,5 million tourists a year by 2016.
The CCTV is going to shoot a documentary film about Sri Lanka to be shown in the Chinese Television early next year.
Sri Lanka has been selected to top tourist destination by several international tourism magazines.
The Chinese version of the Sri Lanka tourism website has also been officially launched during this event (http://www.srilanka.travel/china/)
Sri Lanka with its rich natural environment, fantastic flora and fauna, several World Heritage sites, age old folk customs and friendly people has a good chance to increase the number of Chinese tourists several folds during the coming years.
This event is to be followed by several other events with the goal to bring Sri Lanka closer to the Chinese people.