Ecuador, 204 Years of Independence

厄瓜多尔简介:厄瓜多尔,原为印加帝国一部分。1532年沦为西班牙殖民地。1809年8月10日宣 布独立,但仍被西班牙殖民军占领。1822年彻底摆脱了西班牙殖民统治。1825年加
入大哥伦比亚共和国。1830年大哥伦比亚解体后,宣布成立厄瓜多尔共和国。1980年与中华人民 共和国建交,至今建交33周年。

厄瓜多尔大使 何塞•博尔哈与中华人民国内共和国外交部副部长亲切交谈

The reception to celebrate the 204th anniversary of the independence of Ecuador was held in Hotel Marriott on the 9th of August 2013. Chief Chinese guest of the reception
was Deputy Foreign Minister Mr. Xie Hang.
In his speech Ambassador of Ecuador, Mr. Jose M. Borja L., made a short historical account by saying that “Today we celebrate the 204th anniversary of the First Cry for
Independence. 204 years ago patriots from Quito, led by Juan Pio Montufar, Juan de Dios Morales, Juan Rodriguez and Juan Larrea decided to establish a Government
Commission. They informed the President of the Audiencia of Quito that Sovereign Commission of Quito had disposed him and that he no longer held the power.” H.E. Mr.
Borja also mentioned further in his speech that currently there are some 60 Chinese companies operating in Ecuador in various fields like power generation, road
construction etc. Two major projects of Ecuador were also named: Prometeo, a program attracting foreign scientists to work in the a country on a temporary base and
Yachay, the City of Knowledge, offering access to high tech research facilities for young Ecuadorians.

Ambassador Borja in talk with Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Xie Hang
Live music performance of Ecuadorian musicians
Eye-catching guests of the reception
Wife of the ambassador cuts the anniversary cake