Debut of Philippine Choir
为庆祝菲中友好交流年,纪念国际儿童节,6月8日晚,菲律宾罗布克童声合唱团在中国国家大剧院 献上了一场名为“友谊的献礼”的音乐会,19位来自菲律宾的小学生,身着特色的民族服装,献上清 新纯净的天籁之音。
菲律宾驻华大使巴西里奧致欢迎辞,她说,我们的孩子远涉重洋给你们带来的歌曲作为礼物,他们 的歌声代表了所有渴望交朋友渴望过上和平美好生活的儿童的心声。因此,我们让合唱团在国际儿 童节之际在中国演唱,向中国人民传达我们和平的讯息,响全中国儿童发出我们友谊的讯息,来表 达渴求和平与友谊的未来。
To celebrate International Children’s Day and the Year of Friendship between the Philippines and China the Loboc Children’s Choir hit the stage of the National Centre For Performing Arts on 6th of June 2013.
The Loboc troup, consisting of some 19 children, amazed the audience with their performance based on Philippines folk traditions.
In her speech, Philippine ambassador Sonia C. Brady, emphasized that the dance and songs performed by the children can be seen as a kind of gift to China from the Philippines.
She expressed her hopes that the relations will show a peaceful and healthy development between the two countries during the coming years.