Europe Day at the Delegation of the European Union in Beijing

欧盟驻华代表团在北京举办欧盟“欧洲日”庆祝活动。每年5月9日,这个具有历史的传统根源要追溯 到1950年。那时候第二次世界大战结束5年。法国外交部长罗伯特•舒曼提议,法德两国,以及其 他欧洲国家之间应加强煤矿与钢铁产业的合作,为和平奠定永久的基础。当天,他向新闻媒体正式 宣告了欧洲一体化进程的开始,正是这一进程促使“欧洲共同体”——即今日的欧盟的诞生。

驻华代表团埃德和在庆祝宴会上说,2013年也是一个非常特殊的一年,因为克罗地亚在7月1日正 式成为欧盟成员国. 从此欧盟国的数量将增加至28国家。

嘉宾们在生日庆典上可以欣赏欧洲的音乐,听北京外国语大学欧洲语言学院合唱团演唱欧盟行曲, 即贝多芬第九乐曲。 还有来自奥地利小提琴家利迪娅和钢琴家马蒂亚斯的古典音乐表演。

Member countries of the European Union celebrate the “Europe Day” every year on the
9th of May. The tradition has its historical root going back to 1950, just after five years of the ending of World War II. It was than that the French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman came up with the idea to coordinate the coal and steel production of former arch-enemies France and Germany and some other European countries so as to lay down the lasting foundations of peace. On this day he read this very declaration in front of the press and the integration process, which has led to the birth of European Communities and later on to the current European Union, has started.

As Mr. Markus Ederer, head of the Delegation of the European Union to China stressed in his speech, 2013 is a very special year since Croatia is accessing the European Union in July and the number of EU member countries is thus going to increase to 28.

The participants of the event could also have a little glimpse to the european music by listening to the performance of BFSU School of European Languages Choir (singing the EU anthem in Latin) and the classical music performance of austrian violinist Lidia Baich and pianist Matthias Fletzberger. There was also a photo exhibition on show in the garden titled “People-to-People” with over sixty works by renowned photographer Steve Zhao.