Charming Baiyin


白银市委书记张智全在开幕式上致辞。他说,文化是推动经济社会发展的重要引擎,是凝聚人心的 精神纽带。近年来,我们把推动文化产业发展作为转型跨越、全面小康的重要抓手,以国家将甘肃 省确定为华夏文明传承创新区为契机,立足发掘特色优势文化资源,重点打造以黄河石林为代表的 黄河文化等五张特有的文化牌。


中宣部及全国人大,全国政协有关委员会,国务院有关部门及中书协,中美协和北京部分文化企业 负责人,新闻媒体记者出席推介会并参观了展览。


An exhibition on calligraphy, art and photographic works entitled “Beautiful China – Charming Baiyin” and the related promotional conference on cultural industry development in Baiyin City of Chinese Civilization Inheritance & Innovation Zone was opened on the 2nd of November.
Zhang Zhiquan, Secretary of the CPC Baiyin Municipal Committee, made a speech at the opening ceremony. He said that culture was an important engine for promoting the economic and social development and a spiritual bond for condensing public feelings. In
recent years, we have taken the development of cultural industries as an important starting point for the transition, development and overall well-off. We need to live-up to the opportunity that China has identified Gansu Province as a Chinese Civilization
Inheritance & Innovation Zone. A decision that is based on the recognition of various characteristics and advanced cultural resources of Gansu, which is also focusing on creating five unique cultural brands, such as the Yellow River culture, represented by the Yellow River Stone Forest, etc.
Wang Haizhou, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Baiyin Municipal Committee and Mayor of Baiyin City, introduced the economic, social and cultural development achievements, as well as key development projects of Baiyin City.
The following people have attended the promotional conference and visited the exhibition: The Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China & National People’s Congress, relevant committees of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference,
relevant departments of the State Council & Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Artists Association and personalities in charge of cultural enterprises in Beijing as well as reporters of various media companies.
There were some 160 works on display at the exhibition.